Become part of the quickly growing Elly POS payment ecosystem.
Utilize the Elly POS infrastructure to spread your solutions at a faster rate.
We strongly believe that partnerships and working together can effectively bring you and us to our common goal: more customers and revenue for the merchants that we serve. We are stronger together!
Integrate your payment solutions with millions of merchants using Elly POS, enhance your payment offer or advertise to buyers with ads on the Elly POS screen!
Are you looking for a partnership tailored to your business needs?
We look forward to hearing from you!

Payment gateways and PSPs
Integrate your payment solution in an all-in-one payment terminal used by millions of merchants.
- Sky-rocket the number of your acceptance points on domestic and foreign markets with a single integration
- Enhance your visibility at the checkout
- Use our white-label solution to enhance your existing POS network with a multi-payment gateway
- Generate additional income on your network by adding new payment methods
Value-added services
Does your amazing service app need wide market exposure? Get integrated into Elly POS!
- Offer your solution through our POS and sales network
- Reduce sales and marketing costs
- Test your solution with merchants in our network
- Increase your software licence sales
- Expand your POS network with additional payment methods and third-party services
- Increase your income by implementing our white-labelled multi-payment gateway
- Capitalise on digital payment solutions of your competition
- Easily switch to a fully Android POS with our Android payment application
Cash register software providers
Provide your merchants and service providers with a payment offer catering to a wide range of customers. Cards, mobile payments, crypto … we have it all.
- Integrate additional payments into your solution to expand your client’s offer at the point of sale
- Provide one-point overview of all payment methods and transactions executed
- Generate additional revenue by increased software licence sales and payment integration modules
- Generate additional revenue by onboarding new Elly POS clients
- Easily switch to a fully Android POS with our Android payment application
Let’s partner!
How can we help you serve your clients best? Leave us a message and let’s shape a strategy with maximum impact, catering to your unique business needs.
Tehnološki partnerji
Za nemoteno sodelovanje storitev, ki jih zagotavljamo našim strankam, smo sklenili številna partnerstva, ki prispevajo k odličnemu delovanju celotnega plačilnega ekosistema.

Davčne blagajne / B2B
Elly POS lahko postane nepogrešljiv del vašega poslovanja z integracijo z naslednjimi ponudniki davčnih blagajn:

S povezovanjem s specialisti na področju plačilnih sistemov in sklepanjem partnerstev skrbimo za digitalizacijo procesov v manjših in večjih podjetjih.

Rešitve po meri
Rešitve po meri omogočajo različnim partnerjem, da prek Elly POS terminala posodobijo svoje sisteme in svojim zaposlenim nudijo lažje in učinkovitejše delo.