It’s better when it’s
all together!
One device, many payment methods, multiple revenue streams.

Stop turning down cards. We've lowered your fees!
Cards, crypto and digital payments

From inventory to employee and customer management. Third-party solutions that can be integrated with a snap of your fingers.
Payment processing takes 3-5 seconds. Use this! Display ads to your customers as their payments are processed and create a new source of revenue.
Stop calling five phone numbers when there is an issue. Have one support team by your side at all times for smooth problem solving.
Ways we can help your business
A plan that works for you

All payments
Credit cards, debit cards, crypto, Apple Pay, Google Pay & other digital payments.

Crypto payments
Accept instant cryptocurrency payments without volatility risks.

Online payments
Accept cards, crypto or digital payments on your website. Free plug-ins available.

Transform your phone into a POS device
Turn any Android-based device into a payment terminal. No cables or extra hardware. Just download the Soft POS app and go wherever your business takes you.
Keep track of all your finances at all times in one place.
- Overview of all transactions made through your businesses
- Easily export transaction history for your accountant
- Manage your finances in a single place: pay your employees and suppliers Coming soon

Fresh news on industry trends

Pripravite se za črni petek
črni petek, bolje poznan kot Black Friday, je tik pred vrati in to je odlična priložnost za dvig prodaje na sedaj vključuje tudi celovit nabor člankov tehnične podpore, ki uporabnikom olajša reševanje težav
S stalnim razvojem digitalne tehnologije in vse večjo uporabo elektronike v našem vsakdanjem življenju se povečujejo tudi potrebe po učinkoviti

Odslej na plačilnih terminalih Elly POS omogočena tudi plačila s Flikom. Plačujte hitro, enostavno in varno.
V današnjem hitro razvijajočem se digitalnem svetu so se načini plačevanja precej spremenili. Ena od novodobnih možnosti je tudi plačevanje
Customize a plan to fit your needs
Are all those fees too confusing? Get a personalized offer from our team.